David er en fantastisk baryton, har to og en halv oktav spenn, så han er i stand til å synge mange sanger som andre barytoner ville ha problemer med.
Han synger det du ønsker og du kan velge fra en bok som inneholder over 500 sanger. Davids spesialitet er opera og musikaler. Ingen kveld er lik, det kommer an på hva publikum velger. Han sang på fransk, italiensk og spansk, samt engelsk og overrasket meg stadig hele tiden med sin fantastiske opptreden.
Jeg undrer meg på hvorfor han synger på en liten bar på et kjøpesenter, for noen ganger til og med for et utakknemlig publikum. Men det er Davids valg, han nyter livet som underholder og han nyter livet på Gran Canaria. Jeg ble trollbundet når han sang og var blant hans takknemlige publikum. Og jeg er SÅ stolt av å være hans venn.
For noen år siden David sang i "Les Misérables" (Royal Albert Hall) og hadde store roller i Londons West End. Han hadde roller i "La Cage aux Folles", "Guys and Dolls" og "Kiss Me Kate" på London Palladium. Blant mange konserter, forestillinger og begivenheter han også hatt den ære å opptre for Charles og Diana kort tid etter bryllupet.
Hver mandag, torsdag og lørdag fra 19:30 til 22:00 på Plaza Mogan.
For alle som ferierer/bor i området Puerto Rico/Arguineguin kan jeg fortelle at David også synger på den norskdrevne Restaurant Rossini i Arguiniguin. Hver tirsdag, fredag og søndag fra 19:00 til 23:00.

David trollbandt meg og jeg fikk alle sangene på ønskelisten min:
David enchanted me and sang my requests:
Nessun Dorma, Nella Fantasia, Barcelona, Caruso, Send in The Clowns, Unbreak My Heart, Music of The Night, Ol' Man River, Oh Holy Night, Ave Maria, One Night in Bangkok, A Mi Manera, You Raise Me Up, Time to say Goodbye (Con Te Partiro), Regresa a Mi, On My Own, Summertimes, I am what I am +++++ Kalde kvelder, men jeg fikk komme under frakken til David i pausen.
Cold evenings, but David warmed me up under his coat during his break.
Click on the collage to enlarge.
If you are on holiday/or live in Puerto de Mogan, I will recommend to visit the new shopping centre (Plaza Mogan – opposite Cordial) and listen to the great singer DAVID SEARLE from England. David Searle is a Bass-Baritone, but has a two and a half octave range, so capable of singing a wide range of numbers that many Bass-Baritones would have difficulty in achieving.
He sings on requests and you can select from a song book containing some 500+ songs. David’s specialty is Opera and Music Show Song. Each evening is different; it all depends on the public requests. He sings in French, Italian and Spanish as well as English and never stops amazing me with his fantastic performances.
I can’t stop wondering why he is doing this, with (sometimes) an ungrateful audience. But this is David’s choice and he enjoys the life and entertaining in Gran Canaria. For me it was enchanting to be among his a grateful audience. And I am honoured to be his friend.
Some years ago David sang in ‘Les Miserables’ (Royal Albert Hall) and had principal roles in London's West End. He had roles in “La Cage aux Folles”, “Guys and Dolls” and “Kiss Me Kate” at the London Palladium. Among many other gigs, shows and events he also had the privilege of performing, including singing, for Prince Charles and Princess Diana shortly after their marriage.
Every Monday, Thursday and Saturday from 19:30 to 22:00 at Plaza Mogan.
David is also at Restaurant Rossini in Arguiniguin. Every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday from 19:00 to 23:00. At Rossini he only provides background music for the restaurant.
See and hear David Searle here.
1 kommentar:
Hi Randi,
Just read your Blog! Well!
If I ever need any info on Gran Canaria – or me, I know where to go!!!
I hadn’t looked before as I expected it would all be in Norwegian.
It’s brilliant!
So much info, and I loved the way you do the collages of pictures.
I like the one of you sheltering under my coat, which was one of those you were kind enough to forward to us. Fortunately, the evenings are warming up now (at last).
Hope you’re making the most of the sun back home, now it’s showing its’ face again!
Speak Soon
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