I Tromsø er den offisielle soldagen 21. januar. Jeg tar solfesten den dagen solen skinner inn kjøkkenvinduet etter to måneders fravær. I år, som mange tidligere år, ble datoen 22.januar. Jeg fikk ikke tatt bilde når solen skinte ved middagstider, men her kommer et bildet av lyset litt senere i ettermiddag.
Festen kan starte! Noen som vil smake?
This year, as many previous years, was comes the 22nd of January. No photo of the sunshine, but here is one of light.
For a feast you want something to serve. On Gran Canaria I purchased tasteful white goat cheese, in my stock I had Spanish wine (Monterio Tempranillo) and from Coop I got Serrano ham and melon (Piel de Sapo and Cantaloupe).
Let's start the feast! Somebody who want to taste?
7 kommentarer:
Gratulerer med sola! Jeg tror absolutt at det må være en milepæl. Og så går det veldig fort mot lysere tider når man bor så langt nord.
Kos deg med godbitene også! :-)
It is sunny here today also. your feast looks very nice, the cheese and ham looks good as well.
The first time that we visited Gran Canaria we went on a trip that took us to those caves but we didn't go in, we also stopped in a small vilage in the mountains going towards the north of the island, there was a large church, inside was a madona with a black face, it is said that it was found inside a sea cave on the island.
Keep writing,it's very interesting.
We are looking forward to the 30th June.
Kate & Frank
Hi Kate & Frank
Nice of you to comment my blog, not only read.
I have seen the Madonna with the black face, but I can't remember where. Need new memory stick, in my head!
Have to find it in one of my albums. Then I will tell you.
Can it be in Teror? But as far as I can remember the Pine Virgin is white. Well, I will tell you later.
I'm looking forward to the 4th of July and I'm sure you will be in the Welcome Committee...
Sorry, can't find anything about a black Madonne on Gran Canaria in my albums.
But on internet I found something on Wikipedia. Black Madonna "Virgin de Candelaria" is patron of the Canary Island.
More on this site:
Gratulerer så mye med sola tilbake !
Det må være fantastisk å få sola inn i kjøkkenvinduet etter så langt fravær :)
Nå går det bare riktige veien !
Ønsker deg en kjempefin fredag og en riktig god helg :)
Du er en kunstner Randi! I allefall livskunstner...
Gracias Amigo Januz ;o)
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